Three Top Wedding Day Tips!
You are busy planning for your wedding day, and getting advice and tips for planning. But how about tips FOR your wedding day? You will be so busy on the day of your wedding that you will loose track of time! It is a long day full of fun activities, your adrenaline is pumping and you will feel great! So how do you stay cool, calm, and collected all day? From our experience working with wedding couples, we have put together our three top wedding day tips to help you enjoy your day to the fullest. These are the little things you will not think about, but we know they are very important for you to be prepared for the long day ahead!
1. Eat a good hearty breakfast! Not just a bagel, add some protein that will keep you full for a while. Think about it, your ceremony may not be until much later in the day, but you will start to get ready early with your hair and makeup, then on to the photos. So you may miss lunch and will not eat again for quite some time! So please eat a hearty breakfast. Our favorite is the chicken minis from Chick-Fil-A. They are the perfect bite-size and they will do the trick.
2. HYDRATE! Please drink water! Again it is a long day, and there will be alcohol involved probably so it is a good idea to drink as much water as you can. We always suggest having cases of water for the whole wedding party while you are getting ready. We do not want anyone to faint during the ceremony, and in this southern heat, that is a real possibility! So keep that bottle of water handy!
3. Focus on you and your partner. Let everything else go. You have hired professionals to service you on your wedding day. Trust them and let them do their jobs. There is no more planning to do. The train is about to leave the station and be on it’s way! There is no stopping it now! So relax, take it all in and enjoy the day. Make sure you and your partner stay together during the reception too. It is easy for you each to be taken away by guests wanting to chat with you, but stay together and visit your guests together. Celebrate your day together!
So follow our three wedding day tips, eat a good breakfast, drink your water and enjoy your day with your partner. We hope you find these tips to be helpful on your wedding day. If you would like more information and more helpful tips, Gloria Schulz Events can provide you with some great guidance during your wedding planning journey. Contact us here and we will be happy to help you too!